s:elegy written in a country churchyard|elegy written in a country churchyard

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Katso myös: country, kantri


s:elegy written in a country churchyard|elegy written in a country churchyard

  1. geografinen alue, maantieteellinen alue.

Lisää synonyymejä Synonyymit.fi:ssä


  • "Mitä uutta" (Country-tanssija)"

  • "Otan osaa." (Country-Tanssija)"

  • "Johnson, the North Koreans are clearly insane. Not just the army, but the civilians also. Nuke the country, but mind the south border. (Suom: Johnson, pohjois-korealaiset ovat selvästi hulluja. Ei vain armeija, vaan myös kansalaiset. Pommita koko maa, mutta varo etelärajaa.")"

  • "Currently, the associate professor of criminal sociology Johan Bäckman (Beckman), a current genius in own branch in Finland, is also a famous dissident in Finland. A prestigious crowd, with a few neo-Nazis and Finnish politicians from Brüssel, has written a open letter calling for the University that Bäckman should be muzzled."


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